Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Holster Of The Day...

If you get one, get a good one. And, unfortunately, that means spending big bucks and is really the only way to tell without first trying one on. And let's face it; how many of us are willing to go into a gun shop, roll up a trouser leg, begin tossing in one gun after another and hitching and yanking and fussing with just the right one with just the right fit. We are not women shopping for shoes, or liberals. Plenty of halfway decent paddlebacks such as the one pictured and they'll run you $100-150 or so. For those who would like one just for the car, any old ankle-carry will suffice but don't try walking around in a $20 job for very long. Embarassing as all shit to have your gun go fartknockers down the parking lot as you try and dodge some rain drops or just jog from the urge to walk sprightly.

Comfortable? No. Not a one of them. VERY concealable? Yes. All of them. Men do not look towards other mens feet. Well. Not any man you'd be fearful of meeting in a dark alley.

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