Sunday, February 05, 2006

It's Lululululululululuuuuuu time so hide alla them evil pics and listen up...

"The United Nations on November 29th, 1947 passed UN Resolution 187, partitioning the area into three entities: Palestine, Israel and an international zone around Jerusalem.
Israel announced its nationhood at midnight May 14th, 1948. Within hours, the collective armies of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Lebabnon attacked into Isreal, bent on wiping out the nascent state completely. They made no bones about how they were going to “drive them into the sea” and how they started the war."

And so it began. In 1967, the Arabs tried again and lost again, leaving behind the "disputed" territories that Israel used a a buffer zone between themselves and those who time and again have vowed to destroy them. Head on over to Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » Danish Embassy Set Ablaze: Can We Co-Exist? and scroll about halfway down to read the entire essay which does a damned fine job of explaining the realities behind the continuing conflict between Islam and the Free World.

And remember this; as genuine civilizations grew and prospered, the Arab world was left behind. Right up until oil was discovered under all of that previously worthless sand. As fossil fuel became more and more in demand, the coffers of Arabia filled to bursting. They cannot compete when it comes to technology, but such vast wealth buys an awful lot of guns, so it is that time again.

Moslems versus non-Moslems. The war has been raging for years but who ever could have predicted that those whacky Danes would have been the ones to show the world that militant Islam wants far more than just the destruction of Israel.

Oh, and by the way; the moonbats are not only still defending these monsters, they're darsh garn golly sure that we can all live together in peace and harmony.

Even sheep know you can't trust a wolf.

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