Friday, February 10, 2006

John Podhoretz On the Cartoon Capers...

February 10, 2006 -- "IN his brilliant and much-misunderstood book "The End of History and the Last Man," Francis Fukuyama describes how the "need for recognition" has become the governing force in the world — how people everywhere want their views, feelings, opinions and attitudes acknowledged and paid the same respect as any other.
The need for recognition, Fukuyama writes, "is something like an innate human sense of justice; people believe that they have a certain worth, and when other people act as though they are worth less — when they do not recognize their worth at its correct value — they become angry."
This need is a cornerstone of democratic societies, which are constructed on the basis that all people are of equal value. But the need for recognition is also easily manipulated and twisted by anti-democratic forces: People can be convinced with little difficulty to believe that others don't recognize their worth.
And the anger generated by such deception can be used as a weapon.
That's one aspect of what's going on now in the "cartoon wars." To some degree, the protests in Muslim countries aren't about the supposed disrespect shown to the image of Mohammed. They're about how the protestors feel disrespected.
Mohammed is their prophet. His likeness has been caricatured. And because the protestors are offended both by the very idea of drawing a cartoon of Mohammed and by the cartoons they've seen (or just heard about), they therefore presume that the cartoons were created to offend them — that the purpose was to run Muslims down, to treat them and their beliefs as though they didn't matter. "

Okay, time to cut through the bullshit. The Danes say they published the cartoons to make a point about militant Islam. Militant Islam was so offended about these and other depictions claiming they rape, main, kill, loot, and burn down the town, that they began raping, maiming, killing, looting, and burning down the town.


To ANY sane person this proves the point. With little or no provocation, the people who follow prophet Mo are EXPECTED to be violent when confronting infidels. They use whatever primitive means available to cause as much pain and suffering as can be dealt. If they had their hands on modern weapons they would kill us all. This is not about moslem pride. It IS about assuming their place as masters of the universe with that old dead pedophile...Mo not the starring role as He-Man.

End of story.

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