Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Koranimals Want Jewtoons...

From Stop The ACLU:

"As the cartoon controversy turns deadly, Iran has decided to add more fuel to the flames in the cartoon controversy.
“It will be an international cartoon contest about the Holocaust,” said Farid Mortazavi, the graphics editor for Hamshahri newspaper - which is published by Teheran’s conservative municipality.He said the plan was to turn the tables on the assertion that newspapers can print offensive material in the name of freedom of expression.
“The Western papers printed these sacrilegious cartoons on the pretext of freedom of expression, so let’s see if they mean what they say and also print these Holocaust cartoons,” he said.
Iran’s fiercely anti-Israeli regime is supportive of so-called Holocaust revisionist historians, who maintain the systematic slaughter by the Nazis of mainland Europe’s Jews as well as other groups during World War II has been either invented or exaggerated.
Iran’s hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prompted international anger when he dismissed the systematic slaughter by the Nazis of mainland Europe’s Jews as a “myth” used to justify the creation of Israel."

Sweet mother of pearl but this modern version of arabian nights is frickin funny. What do they think the civilized world is going to do? Loot, rape, burn, and kill because some sand monkeys drew naughty pictures of Jews? The same type of cartoons they feature in their classrooms to impress the kiddies and have been doing so for decades? I can't speak for Jews, but were I of that persuasion I'd laugh my ass off with a hearty, bring-it-on SUCKERS.

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