Thursday, February 09, 2006

Okay, so she leaps into the Britmobile and guns it in an attempt to flee photographers who had, gasp, strayed to within 30 feet of her and her newborn. Squeals the frig away and duh, forgets to seatbelt the kid in and faces him in such a manner that were the airbag to deploy he's DOA. The following is a translation of her response to the media. The original is chockerblock with enough "Like"'s and "Fer sure"'s to render it incomprehensible but you'll get the gist.

Britney Spears: 'I Made a Mistake'

"Britney Spears has taken responsibility - well, some of it - for driving with her baby son, Sean Preston, sitting in her lap. "I made a mistake and so it is what it is, I guess," Spears tells "Access Hollywood" in an interview that was to air Thursday. Several photos published..."

Case closed. She's a reckless idiot and the reckless part is news I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Looks can be decieving...
    But not in Britney's case


Speak yer peace, fella's