Thursday, February 09, 2006

Quick...Let's Build That Reactor While The Media Is Fussing Over The Cartoons!"

February 9, 2006 --" 'A BLESSING from God":

"So have Iran's leaders, starting with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, described the controversy over the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed.
A closer look at the row, however, shows that the whole rigmarole was launched by Sunni-Salafi groups in Europe and Asia, with Ahmadinejad and his Syrian vassal, President Bashar al-Assad, belatedly playing catch-up. God had nothing to do with it.
To see how the whole thing was manufactured to serve precise political ends, consider the chronology of events:
The cartoons were published last September and, for more than three months, caused no ripples outside small groups of Salafi militants in Denmark.
In December, a group of Danish Muslim militants filled their suitcases with photocopies of the cartoons and embarked on a tour of Muslim capitals.
They failed to get to Tehran: The Iranians, being Shi'ites, saw them as Sunni activists bent on mischief. But they managed to go to Cairo, Damascus and Beirut and, were allowed to send emissaries to Saudi Arabia.
The Danish Muslim group also did something dishonest — it added a number of far more derogatory cartoons of the Prophet to the 12 published by the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, and misled its interlocutors in Muslim capitals into believing that all had appeared in the Danish press."

Well of course the fight over the cartoons has little to do with the drawings themselves, and much to do with militant Islam seizing any opportunity to foment unrest. Read the rest while I awaken.

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