Monday, February 13, 2006


In part, of an article I did on nutrition some moons ago. I was talking about meeting The Austrian Oak for the first time and how he changed the diets and attitudes of American bodybuilders and weight lifters. Please remember that the mid-60's were a dark age for American nutirional information. Not so for the Eastern Bloc countries as they'd been experimenting with steroids and amino acids for years trying to create super athletes in order to whip our asses during the Olympics. Arnold taught us how to gain, lose and redistribute body mass. I should have mentioned this during New-Year's Resolution time, but just came across this older work when looking on this piece of crap pc. Nothing earthshattering but it works. 100% of the time.
...and sweet christ on a crutch but the guy was unreal. A chest so deep you could stand under it to get out of the rain. Arms as thick as most men's thighs.

He talked a little about lifting weights but was focusing on nutrition because one of the big vitamin or health food company's was footing the bill. So we learned about amino acids, and how some proteins are a total waste of time and how if you wanted to get muscle-big rather than fat-big or bloated water-big you needed arginine, creatine, and ornithine. If your diet didn't contain those aminos and in the right proportion then forget the whole thine. Milk, eggs, beef, chicken to a certain degree, but NO soy. Soy protein will keep you alive (barely), but you'll never get any bigger and in fact you'll most likely get smaller muscle-wise.

Look at the asians. And how the second generations grow to previously unheard of size when introduced to the complete-protein western diet. Same thing happens to dumb ass westerners who've forgotten or never knew anything about nutrition. They diet using incomplete proteins, starve their bodies, are forever catching one cold after another, are bloaty, lack energy, and wonder why they can't lose weight. The body goes into starvation-mode and hordes calories when it isn't getting the right kind. Ask anyone who's set a goal of losing 20 pounds and three months later has gained 5.

This was heady stuff back then. Someone asked Arnold why doctors didn't know all this and his reply was something along the lines of "you vant look like doctor, do vhat doctor say. Vant look like me, do I say."

Bottom line: Train like a modern athlete. Eat whole foods. Exercise to some degree. Forget those ridiculous diets and eat what omnivores are supposed to eat. If your lifestyle or schedule doesn't permit cooking real food then suppliment with a good vitamin and/or protein regimen. And stay away from phony proteins unless you're 5 foot nothing and love being 80 pounds. If you do not suffer from one colon malady or another then feel free to imbibe the costly fish oils that can speed up digestion. They don't hurt much and help flush the calories away before they can be fully assimilated. Want to gain weight then do the reverse. Retard digestion so as to allow the body to leech every last microgram of nutrition, but that means no roughage at all and can cause problems down the road.

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