Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So who knits?

Sweet christ on a crutch but just try and find a knitting blog not dominated by a liberal distaff. I was unaware of the fact that most knitters are moonbats or certainly appear to be, and this is distressing. I kind of figured it to be an open hobby devoid of politics but I guess the loons have to be loons no matter what they do, and preaching full frontal loonacy comes with the deal.

But wait a minute now, hoss. You mean to tell me that gals in frickin Des Moines sit around the yarn and spin tales of Bush-Lied-People-Died?

Gotta be middle of the roaders out there somewhere, and this is one of the few times I'm disappointed in my blog having so few viewers. Would be cool just to learn how to knit from knitters and not agenda driven assholes. It is a relaxing hobby. You do things with your hands and these things are actually useful. Sure, sure, here in Florida there isn't as much call for creating something to fend off the ice, but it gets somewhat chilly here and that counts for something.

Anyways, if you happen to come across pure knitters be kind enough to let me know. Guess I should have known that a college town would be infected with such bacterium disguised as people, but the web reaches every corner of the world. I'd start my own knitting for men blog but I don't know a tenth of what would be necessary to make it worthwhile.

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