Saturday, February 04, 2006

This in from Stop The ACLU...

"I am asking one simple question to my readers, and would love to hear your response:

The demonstrators were protesting offensive caricatures of Islam's Prophet Mohammed that were first published in a Danish newspaper several months ago.
Witnesses said the demonstrators set fire to the entire building, which also houses the embassies of Chile and Sweden.

Can democracy co-exist with such large numbers of this kind of extreme mentality? They have no alms with destroying freedom. They have no tolerance for freedom, and illustrate that very well. I'm not advocating anything like wiping them off the face of the earth, but have no doubt that this is the kind of mentality they would advocate for us, and for freedom. So, as groups like CAIR, and the ACLU are quick to defend these extremists, make note that these very same folks would be the first to do away with our First Amendment. If we stand by and appease them, they will destroy us."

And because of the respect I have for "Stop", I'll try to give a simple answer.

No. Militant Islam has NEVER been given pause by words. The problems arise when leftwing governments begin placating instead of defending. We have technology on our side, for repressive environments are not conducive to higher learning, and for the present time at least we also have the will. Elect Hillary and it won't be just Paris that burns every weekend.

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