Sunday, February 12, 2006

This is how incompetent Google can be...

Ads at the bottom of this page have been featuring moslem stuff.

Mohammed cartoons.

Moslem Dating.

Now, I've got to be careful here. If I say something like click the Ads, Booger will get all bent out of shape because I am asking folks to generate non-paying traffic to the ads in question because they'd be doing so just to please me and not to buy anything. If I say don't click the Ads then Booger will get all bent out of shape because I am taking the food out of their children's mouths.

So I'm not saying click or don't click.

I'm saying look how fucking stupid these shitheads are for presenting two diametrically opposed Ads next to one another.

Imagine how rich a person could become by doing this the right way? Google becomes a mega-giant because there's no competition, but some day there WILL. Then the dotcom crash will look like the swaying descent of a large feather in a gentle breeze compared to how fast these guys hit rock bottom.

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