Sunday, April 23, 2006

Look Who's Talking...

Rodham Changes Horses In Mid-Stream...

"Taking her hardest line yet against illegal immigrants, Sen. Hillary Clinton told the Daily News she wants U.S. borders secured with a wall or fence, possibly surveillance drones and infrared cameras.

Clinton's proposal - which came just weeks after she blasted Republican crackdowns on illegal immigrants as un-Christian - raised the ire of activists.

But she tempered her remarks by saying that, while she supports a barrier to stem new illegal immigrants, she favors a legalization process for the 11 million undocumented aliens already here."

In other words, sure, the wall ain't geting built so it's no skin off my fat ass, but while we're at it, let's legalize the criminals.


  1. Have you noticed that the lines down the sides of her mouth are getting deeper? I call those BS gutters which people get when they talk out of both sides of the mouths.

  2. She's one of thoe folks...lawyers learn how to do it but it still takes the right sort of person...who can lie without a hitch in her giddy'up.


Speak yer peace, fella's