Saturday, April 22, 2006

Texas Woman, 76, Faces Heroin Charges

SAN ANTONIO (AP) - A 76-year-old woman accused of producing and selling heroin from her home has been arrested. Esther Gomez had allegedly been selling black-tar heroin out of her home for years, according to Bexar County Sheriff's Lt. Darrell Sanders. On Thursday, Gomez was arrested after...

Since I don't even know what black tar heroin is, and am fearful that the FBI will discover I've been researching such things on Google and take away my birthday, the presumption is this shit is nasty. Why can't we tax the stuff and sell it to all of the adults who want to waste away thusly. What, it's worse than legal drugs like beer that makes one start bar brawls then drive into nuns on a sidewalk?


  1. Heroine addicts are actually quite peaceful people. The worst they do is stealing and check-kiting but seldom mugging or violent robbery - too laid-back.

    I'm all for legalizing and controlling all drugs. Prohibition never works. It drives it underground.

  2. Fond rembrance of my Great Grandfather's stories about cocaine in coke, and how it "kept the womenfolk sane, boy."

  3. Well, coke affects women differently from men - for starters no erectile dysfunction. I tried everything in the 60s and coke was one of the BAD drugs and turned most men into megalomaniacs.


Speak yer peace, fella's