Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Ann Coulter Wants You To Support The Airline Most Likely To Kick Moslems Off...

And I hereby pledge to fly US Airways, and Northwest SHOULD get all of their business. At least we'd know what flights NOT to board.

"Six imams removed from a US Airways flight from Minneapolis to Phoenix are calling on Muslims to boycott the airline. If only we could get Muslims to boycott all airlines, we could dispense with airport security altogether.

Witnesses said the imams stood to do their evening prayers in the terminal before boarding, chanting "Allah, Allah, Allah" — coincidentally, the last words heard by hundreds of airline passengers on 9/11 before they died.

Witnesses also said that the imams were talking about Saddam Hussein, and denouncing America and the war in Iraq. About the only scary preflight ritual the imams didn't perform was the signing of last wills and testaments.

After boarding, the imams did not sit together and some asked for seat belt extensions, although none were morbidly obese. Three of the men had one-way tickets and no checked baggage.

Also they were Muslims.

The idea that a Muslim boycott against US Airways would hurt the airline proves that Arabs are utterly tone-deaf. This is roughly the equivalent of Cindy Sheehan taking a vow of silence. How can we hope to deal with people with no sense of irony? The next thing you know, New York City cab drivers will be threatening to bathe.

Come to think of it, the whole affair may have been a madcap advertising scheme cooked up by US Airways.

It worked with me. US Airways is my official airline now. Northwest, which eventually flew the Allah-spouting Muslims to their destinations, is off my list. You want to really hurt a U.S. air carrier's business? Have Muslims announce that it's their favorite airline.

The clerics had been attending an imam conference in Minneapolis (imam conference slogan: "What Happens in Minneapolis — Actually, Nothing Happened in Minneapolis"). But instead of investigating the conference, the government is now investigating my favorite airline.

What threat could Muslims flying from Minnesota to Arizona be?

Three of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 received their flight training in Arizona. Long before the attacks, an FBI agent in Phoenix found it curious that so many Arabs were enrolled in flight school. But the FBI rebuffed his request for an investigation on the grounds that his suspicions were based on the same invidious racial profiling that has brought US Airways under investigation and into my good graces.

Lynne Stewart's client, the Blind Sheik, Omar Abdel-Rahman, is serving life in prison in a maximum security lock-up in Minnesota. One of the six imams removed from the US Airways plane was blind, so Lynne Stewart was the one missing clue that would have sent all the passengers screaming from the plane.

Wholly apart from the issue of terrorism, don't we have a seller's market for new immigrants? How does a blind Muslim get to the top of the visa list? Is there a shortage of blind, fanatical clerics in this country that I haven't noticed? Couldn't we get some Burmese with leprosy instead? A 4-year-old could do a better job choosing visa applicants than the U.S. Department of Immigration.

One of the stunt-imams in US Airways' advertising scheme, Omar Shahin, complained about being removed from the plane, saying: "Six scholars in handcuffs. It's terrible."

Yes, especially when there was a whole conference of them! Six out of 150 is called "poor law enforcement." How did the other 144 "scholars" get off so easy?

Shahin's own "scholarship" consisted of continuing to deny Muslims were behind 9/11 nearly two months after the attacks. On Nov. 4, 2001, The Arizona Republic cited Shahin's "skepticism that Muslims or bin Laden carried out attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon." Shahin complained that the government was "focusing on the Arabs, the Muslims. And all the evidence shows that the Muslims are not involved in this terrorist act."

In case your memory of that time is hazy, within three days of the attack, the Justice Department had released the names of all 19 hijackers — names like Majed Moqed, Ahmed Alghamdi, Mohand Alshehri, Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi and Ahmed Alnami. The government had excluded all but 19 passengers as possible hijackers based on extensive interviews with friends and family of nearly every passenger on all four flights. Some of the hijackers' seat numbers had been called in by flight attendants on the planes..."

Bottom line: Were it up to me, there'd never be another moslem hijacking in the country. Ever.

No one believing in some filthy porn-cult disguising itself as a religion, such as, let's say, islam, would be allowed to board an aircraft anywhere in the country unless they first signed a document avowing to disregard all thoughts of killing non-believers. Like it says in, let's say, the Koran. Swear that you are not some nut job out to murder or enslave Americans, and go ahead and board.

I give them this chance because I am fair to a fault, but let an incident happen after one or more barbarians signed such a release then went ahead and proved they weren't fit to reap the benefits of a civilized society, and the kid gloves come off.

All ragheads banned, all the time. We've made a wonderful world to live in, without them as co-inhabitants of course, and if they continue to preach old pedophile Mo's words of unwisdom then they can walk. But since I remain fair to a fault, I'd be willing to build special roadways for moslems and mexicans and other folks who'd do us harm. Walkways of shame. Innocent until proven guilty but of course, yet the first and foremost duty of any society is the protection of it's people, so they can hang around until breeding shows and they eventually screw the pooch, but should never, ever, be permitted to mingle with real people on anything remotely resembling a regular basis. Over 6500 terror acts committed since 9-11, ALL by moslems, so come on now, and billions upon billions of dollars wasted in rounding up the deadbeats from down south who do the rapes and killings no American will do.

What do I mean by "real people"?. The ones who invented modern (meaning not fake) medicine and went to the moon and Mars and sent their young men to die so a moslem country could vote.

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