Friday, November 17, 2006

For The Last Time...More Box O' Truth Stupidities

"What About the new Box of Truth stories concerning the Buick of Truth?"

A waste of time. Not one of the rounds fired into the car was identifed by manufacturer or specific design. An interesting exercise would have been to try different style bullets then make an educated guess as to the overall efficiency of the calibers in question. And as the headline suggests, we're not going to continue debunking these poorly done backyard tests from the town of West Jerkwater, care of Bubblefuck, US of A, anymore. The man is clueless and it wastes far too much effort to respond to one lame posting after another. I began offering ripostes to this unrivaled stupidity in order to save time because answering one email after another was wearisome, but enough is enough.

He does not understand modern weapons, or ammunition. Couple that with the inability TO understand, and anything he says is therefore suspect. Yes, it is interesting to see the results of holes being made in one object after another. Almost as much fun as watching paint dry. And if he left it at that, no harm, no foul, but the fool draws unwarranted conclusions that are downright dangerous to the uneducated. He makes tons of money fooling the rubes. Hundreds of likewise braindead samples of humanity assist him, and one man cannot continue to respond with any chance of successfully disgracing this charlatan to the point where he is no longer afforded the audience he so craves. That would be a fulltime job, and sorry, it's all just too dumb to keep up with anymore.

Several years ago, Crazy Jay, myself, and a few other bored-to-tears misfits shot up an old Buick LeSabre. We used 7 different bullets from 3 calibers, including handloads. We found that some were far better than others in accurately and effectively piercing front windshields, side windows, and doors. A hot-loaded Ranger T in 40 caliber went through the windshield and then splashed into a block of gelatin to the tune of 7 inches of penetration. The same rounds did even better from carbines. Big surprise. Gold Dots made smaller holes but sank in deeper. HydraShoks did little to write home about. It meant next to nothing. I still posted it on an AOL blog that is long gone, with the strictest of caveats that none of the information should be used to determine the efficacy of cartridge or caliber. One round penetrated the glass, deflected off of a shoulder harnass buckle, then exited the roof. Big whoop. Modern bullets are being constantly tweaked, as are modern automobiles. Today's backyard "testing" is rendered useless by tomorrow's reality.

Use a caliber beginning with a 4 unless it ends with 57 and Magnum. Purchase good ammo from reputable manufacturers. Practice. Repeat.

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