Sunday, November 26, 2006

Gun Control As Espoused By Your Friendly Neighborhood Liberal

"As a civil rights worker in a Southern State during the early 1960's, I found that the possession of firearms for self-defense was almost universally endorsed by the black community, for it could not depend on police protection from the KKK. The leading civil rights lawyer in the state (then and now a nationally prominent figure) went nowhere without a revolver on his person or in his briefcase. The black lawyer for whom I worked principally did not carry a gun all the time, but he attributed the relative quiescence of the Klan to the fact that the black community was so heavily armed. Everyone remembered an incident several years before, in which the state's Klansmen attempted to break up a civil rights meeting and were routed by return gunfire. When one of our clients (a school-teacher who had been fired for her leadership in the Movement) was threatened by the Klan, I joined the group that stood armed vigil outside her house nightly. No attack ever came--though the Klan certainly knew that the police would have done nothing to hinder or punish them."*

And therein lies the rub. What to do about uppity niggers arming themselves. epiphany!

Disarm them. No, this isn't as simple as all that, but the facts remain that niggers are poor and purchase cheaply made guns. If we take up a cause against such guns, calling them, Saturday Night Specials, for example, we can profess to the general public that it is for their own good.

These leaves them with no other choice but to turn over their Lorcins and Brycos, their old Derringers and the like, and go unarmed. We'll pass a Gun Control Act, something that expressly forbids purchase through the mail, and since we know full well that no God fearing White store owner will take pity and sell them a good gun, we've got them, and the other poor, back where they belong.

*Click the headline link and scroll to the very bottom.

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