Monday, November 20, 2006

Here's Why They Must Forever Raise Taxes...

Putting this story in some perspective: On a sunny day in Spring, and especially after a particularly nasty Winter, New York City sees over 16 million people a day traveling in and out of the 5 boroughs. The census numbers are a joke, as no one has a clue as to how many actually live there, but for decades the number has been frozen at 8 million just to get something of a handle on things.

Florida has approximately 18 million people. Texas 23 million. So even if NYC is home to, say 10 million, the health care budget is staggering. The following from today's NY Post:

"The City Council wants to take the nation's costliest system (one that, at $44.5 billion a year, already spends more than Texas and Florida combined) and expand it even further - no doubt until every New Yorker is enrolled."

So, what the STATES of Texas and Florida can make-do to service 41 million, NY needs for it's population.

And of course the liberals want more: "...all New Yorkers 'have a right to quality care in their own communities.'"

Hospitals in the Apple are half-full. At best. But walk into any of them on a busy night and the emergency room's are packed to the rafters with "citizens" looking for everything from a quick stitch job to free aspirin. You don't need money or I.D., and they'll find someone to speak your language.

There isn't a European country with more extensive socialist health care. Bar none.

Factoidial Tidbit: More people live in Washington, D.C. than in Wyoming. Think it's the climate? Beaches?

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