Monday, November 20, 2006

"Kramer" Goes Down And Dirty With "Nigger"

He gets heckled and loses it. Still and all, a tempermental actor screaming "nigger" into an audience isn't as bad as Jessie Jackson calling NYC "Hymietown", but there's freedom of speech and FREEDOM of speech. If someone were to call Jackson a nigger for calling Jews Hymies, the entire left wing of America would race to Jessie's defense and villify the nigger-caller.

Ever wonder why some people are so very, very, ultra sensitive about racial, or gender, or ethnic stereotypes, while others aren't? Can't say BOO to a moslem without a jihad being called against your ass, and the blacks can say whatever THEY want about themselves and others, but don't you dare use the same language. Nigger is one of the cruder words a black can be called, and while it's not as if the Irish enjoy "Micks", and the Germans "Krauts", or the Italians "Wops", they shrug it off as ignorance more times than not, and that's that.

'Seinfeld' Star Michael Richards to Apologize on 'Letterman' for Racial Slurs

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