Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ralph Peters Says "No-Way" to Eurabia

Ralph knows his history. And like many chairborne commandos, he delights in fighting the last war. He disremembers the fact that there is this little fly in the ointment that makes the world beholding to moslems. Two of them, in fact.

The world needs oil. Losts and lots of oil. There is NO other reason to be friendly to sand dwellers, but friendly to them we ALL must be. It's true that prior to the invention of Modern Society, it was easy to expell moslems at will because their parent-states held no leverage whatsoever upon us. Today, they hold the entire world hostage with oil, and let's not forget the fact that during the Dark Ages, and up to the time Hitler was showing off his European roots, the Atomic Bomb had not been invented.

Piss the moslems off TOO much these days, and they threaten 2 things: No more oil, and/or we're a step away from backpack-nuking you to kingdom come.

But the following is a charming history lesson. Especially for those unfamiliar with modern times. Europe HAS always been the right place to go when looking for ethnic cleansing or mass-murderings of those not quite European enough, but they've grown far too fat from 60 years of living under Uncle Sam's protection. And while feeling they owe us NOTHING, the politicians at least know full well that we'd NEVER stand by and watch them instigate wholesale murder. Besides, they'd have nothing to lord over us if they took a step back from Utopian Thinking, and would have to beg the monies necessary to send islam back from whence it came. Millions of prayer rugs won't come cheap.

Were we about to enter the 20th Century, Ralph would be spot-on. Someone send the lad a calendar, as none of us could afford such an expensive clue. This is the Europe that wanted to coddle Saddam, and cannot negotiate with an insane madman from Iran.

And remember; Europe is not ONLY famous for killing the WOGS. They do so enjoy their giveaways to make things better. Look up "Chamberlain".

November 26, 2006 -- "A RASH of pop prophets tell us that Muslims in Europe are reproducing so fast and European societies are so weak and listless that, before you know it, the continent will become "Eurabia," with all those topless gals on the Riviera wearing veils.

Well, maybe not.

The notion that continental Europeans, who are world-champion haters, will let the impoverished Muslim immigrants they confine to ghettos take over their societies and extend the caliphate from the Amalfi Coast to Amsterdam has it exactly wrong.

The endangered species isn't the "peace loving" European lolling in his or her welfare state, but the continent's Muslims immigrants - and their multi-generation descendents - who were foolish enough to imagine that Europeans would share their toys.

In fact, Muslims are hardly welcome to pick up the trash on Europe's playgrounds.

Don't let Europe's current round of playing pacifist dress-up fool you: This is the continent that perfected genocide and ethnic cleansing, the happy-go-lucky slice of humanity that brought us such recent hits as the Holocaust and Srebrenica.

THE historical patterns are clear: When Europeans feel sufficiently threatened - even when the threat's concocted nonsense - they don't just react, they over-react with stunning ferocity. One of their more-humane (and frequently employed) techniques has been ethnic cleansing.

The year 1492 wasn't just big for Columbus. It's also when Spain expelled its culturally magnificent Jewish community en masse - to be followed shortly by the Moors, Muslims who had been on the Iberian Peninsula for more than 800 years.

Jews got the boot elsewhere in Europe, too - if they weren't just killed on the spot. When Shakespeare wrote "The Merchant of Venice," it's a safe bet he'd never met a Jew. The Chosen People were long-gone from Jolly Olde England.

From the French expulsion of the Huguenots right down to the last century's massive ethnic cleansings, Europeans have never been shy about showing "foreigners and subversives" the door.

And Europe's Muslims don't even have roots, by historical standards. For the Europeans, they're just the detritus of colonial history. When Europeans feel sufficiently provoked and threatened - a few serious terrorist attacks could do it - Europe's Muslims will be lucky just to be deported.

Sound impossible? Have the Europeans become too soft for that sort of thing? Has narcotic socialism destroyed their ability to hate? Is their atheism a prelude to total surrender to faith-intoxicated Muslim jihadis?

The answer to all of the above questions is a booming "No!" The Europeans have enjoyed a comfy ride for the last 60 years - but the very fact that they don't want it to stop increases their rage and sense of being besieged by Muslim minorities they've long refused to assimilate (and which no longer want to assimilate).

WE don't need to gloss over the many Muslim acts of barbarism down the centuries to recognize that the Europeans are just better at the extermination process. From the massacre of all Muslims and Jews (and quite a few Eastern Christians) when the Crusaders reached Jerusalem in 1099 to the massacre of all the Jews in Buda (not yet attached to Pest across the Danube) when the "liberating" Habsburg armies retook the citadel at the end of the 17th century, Europeans have just been better organized for genocide.

It's the difference between the messy Turkish execution of the Armenian genocide and the industrial efficiency of the Holocaust. Hey, when you love your work, you get good at it.

Far from enjoying the prospect of taking over Europe by having babies, Europe's Muslims are living on borrowed time. When a third of French voters have demonstrated their willingness to vote for Jean-Marie Le Pen's National Front - a party that makes the Ku Klux Klan seem like Human Rights Watch - all predictions of Europe going gently into that good night are surreal..."

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