Friday, November 17, 2006

Short Shot

The country seems up in arms over the dramatic about-face the dems are doing. You know, the folks you voted for because they said they were serious about curbing illegal immigration. Now they might very well scrap the border fence, and I truly hope this is so.

Let more Mexicans in. Lots more. So many that by 2008 even the "moderates" can see how truly ass backwards the liberals are and back the Eisenhower plan all over again. Operation Wetback sent millions of invading beaners home and the nation cheered. Of bloody course it can be done. Been there did that. With far less problems being created by the illegals, Ike said enough was enough back then and off they went.

We NEVER react until it is ALMOST too late. So sue us, we're human. Procrastinators par excellance. 2 years of Nancy Pelosi screwing up and beaners on every street corner means Hillary stands not a snowball's chance in hell come November, ought-8.

Since WE don't have our very own little Barack, this means the Dems themselves must force the country back to a semblance of sanity.

They can do it. We can help. We beat the Krauts and the Japs and we can beat back the loon tide, but we NEED the fence sitters. Let nature take it's course and give Nancy's Gang all the press they want. Being a liberal means fucking up and they will not let us down. 2 more years of this, and the country will be ready to make the Great Wall of China look like a kindergarten Lego set-up.

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