Sunday, November 19, 2006

"Stand Up" Says The Cop..."Fuck You," Says The Raghead...Then Out Comes The Taser...

Besides being rip-roaring hilarious, the video clearly illustrates the value of communication. Liberal schools teach kids how NOT to live in the real world, and when an officer of the law asks you to perform a simple task such as "Stand Up", this is something to be done immediately, if not sooner. Replying with, "Fuck You!" is not going to win hearts and minds, and isn't that what being a loon is all about?

And seriously now, listening closely to the female screams of "What is WRONG with you people?" as the cops do their job is funny until it reaches the point whereby I for one would have tasered HER as well.

Click the headline link and watch. I counted 200 Stand-Ups before letting the point sink in that the police gave the asshole plenty of opportunity to avoid the tasering. Also, the "Don't touch ME!"'s were pretty funny too.

It's bedlam. It's police work. It's also a crappy video but worth a look. Oh yeah, and of course the ACLU wants an investigation. While they're at it, they should send the burqa brain to a shrink.

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