Thursday, March 08, 2007

2008 Pilot Program: Repeal All Gun Laws For Five Years

By John Longenecker

"Given the successes of those states issuing concealed carry permits to citizens, I suggest a nationwide pilot program: the repeal of all anti-gun laws – all 22,000 of them — for a period of five years. This includes a moratorium on all new gun laws for five years, and suspension of all court cases pending for weapons charges with the exception of violent crimes involving a gun. Owning a certain rifle is considerably different from holding up a liquor store with a gun..."

The socialists would never stop protecting their favorite thugs, so a moratorium on new gun laws is not possible.

They know the laws don't reduce crime. They know such laws create more victims, but that's what they're in business to do.

Gotta feed the kitty.

You vote for me and I'll protect you from those nasty Conservatives who'd shoot you dead.

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