Sunday, March 11, 2007

"300" Sets March Weekend Record

SUNDAY AM: "It was a bloodbath at the U.S. box office this weekend. Warner Bros. told me this morning its 'R'-rated 300 about the epic Battle of Thermopylae shattered the record for biggest March opening ever with $70+ million. (Or, $70.025 mil to be exact, though the studio didn't provide a breakdown.)"

Now comes the hard work. Teaching them what Molon Labe means. Rearing a new generation that would rather die than bend knee to a despot. Were I any good at photoshopping, you know, like Reuters and the AP do to make phony pictures look real, I'd feature Pelosi on a throne ala Xerc, sitting cross legged and demanding we give up our arms or die.

Also, I was surfing around until I found what modern day Iranians were saying about their great and glorious history of being beaten by Western Civilization every time they decided it was time to rule the world, and found the following...

"...Time and again in later years this was to be the pattern in such encounters, for the Persians never solved the military problem posed by the disciplined Greek hoplites."

I won't provide a link because they do not wish even a word of their illustrious writing to be quoted, so fuck them.

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