Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Begging Your Pardon Whilest I Heave. Usually Referred To As "We Get Letters"

Dear Fellow Conservative,

I am writing on behalf of John McCain 2008, to give you an update on Senator John McCain's presidential campaign and to seek your involvement. I'll get to the specific way you can get involved at this important point in the campaign in just a minute.

First, I'm happy to report to you that John is earning the support of dedicated Republicans like you every day. To me the reasons are clear. John McCain is the candidate in this race who shares our conservative principles and commitment to smaller government.

I chose Senator McCain for three primary reasons. 1) He is the conservative candidate I believe to be the best qualified to handle the preeminent issue of our day: national defense and homeland security. 2) I believe he has a passion and commitment to reform our failing government bureaucracies. 3) He will seek the politics of results.

Today, I am asking you to join fellow conservatives like me, my fellow Mississippian, Senator Trent Lott, Senator John Thune, Governor Tim Pawlenty and many others in endorsing John McCain for President.

John will work to ensure that money spent by Congress is used wisely and prudently on legitimate national priorities and not squandered on wasteful pet projects and special interest earmarks. Along with wise and prudent spending, he'll push for intelligently-formulated tax cuts and sensible tax reform.

On the issues that define our culture, John McCain shares our conservative values on protecting marriage and the life of the unborn child. He believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman. Furthermore, John opposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes.

When it comes to protecting America, John McCain will strengthen the military; shore up our alliances; and ensure that the nation is capable of protecting the homeland, deterring potential military challenges, responding to any crisis that endangers American security, and prevailing in any conflict we are forced to fight.

As I said before, the reasons why dedicated Republicans are supporting John McCain for President are clear. I also mentioned that there is a specific way that you can get involved at this crucial point in the presidential campaign.

The deadline to file our first FEC financial report for 2007 is fast approaching on March 31st. You've followed campaigns long enough to know that the media and the political pundits will look at this report to determine just where our campaign is compared to the other candidates in the race. This is how they will judge the financial and political momentum behind the McCain campaign.

So please click on this link to make a secure, online contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, or $1,000 that will help us show the strength of our campaign.

As I close this update, I want to remind you of a thought that John shares with folks across the country. "To sacrifice for a cause greater than yourself, and to sacrifice your life to the eminence of that cause, is the noblest activity of all."

This is your chance to assist in an effort greater than yourself and make America stronger in the future.


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