Saturday, March 17, 2007

Fits Checks In: The Gathering of Eagles

"If I learned anything, it's that the disloyal opposition is not only brain dead, but never had much of one to speak of to begin with.

Sure it was hard not to wade into these pansy treehugging blissninnies who spent most of their time cursing us in more languages than could be believed, but aside from a minor scuffle or two that I personally didn't see, we were disciplined to the nines.

The good news? The traitorous scum didn't deface any of our national monuments.

The bad news? Not a one of them was hit by a bolt of lightning.

I'll send back more news when I can, but I want to say here and now that I don't think I could ever do this again. I so very much wanted to wade in and snap necks, and this is not a good thing.

See you later."


We study history in order to learn the mindset of those we may face across a battlefield. Julius Caesar warned the world to always keep an eye on the Germans, and it took two millennium for that lesson to finally sink in. And just as he knew HIS enemy well, those among us capable of seeing have detailed the very soul of our foe. There's no mystery surrounding the Cindy Sheehans of the nation, none at all. They seek the destruction and humiliation of America, all it stands for, and will not rest until they have reached their goal. Name a topic, any topic, and it's so easy to predict where a modern day liberal will stand. They are racist to a fault, and believe the Constitution to be nothing of importance unless to grant heretofore unknown "rights" that make their miserable lives easier. Can't stand the hassle of delivering an unwanted child? Not a problem, gather enough leftists together and they'll fight long and hard to interpret the Constitution to profess that yes, there exists a right to privacy, and this privacy guarantees a woman the right to choose. And once you've done the unimaginable, the one thing forbidden by all peoples of good will since the dawn of time, once you've intentionally killed an innocent child then there is nothing you cannot or will not do.

They stood firm against us this day. Cursing and screaming and doing their level best to cause us to stampede against them. We kept our honor intact by not stooping to their dwarfisms, they who so abhor war but shouted for us to die slow and painful deaths. I've taken enough naps to be ready for the road again, and stopping only for gas I'll be back at the PC by noonish on Sunday.

I stood the line today. For my friends, living and dead, and for a new friend Cookie. Ailing, he was unable to attend and I was one of those who did so in his place.

More as I shake off the fatigue and get home.

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Speak yer peace, fella's