Tuesday, March 13, 2007

For The Children...The Children...The....

State cites child-care owner carrying gun

CARMEL, Ind. -- "The state's Family and Social Services Administration cited the co-owner of a local child day-care center with carrying a concealed firearm.

Richard Lyday, co-owner of Heartland Hall Child Development Center, 11540 N. Meridian St., told FSSA investigators that he carried the weapon for personal protection and to provide security for the children.

Approximately 240 children are enrolled in the day-care program at Heartland Hall, according to Lyday.

Heartland Hall is licensed by the FSSA as a child day-care center, said Dennis Rosebrough, FSSA communications director.

The firearm citation carries no fine or punishment, he said. However, day-care centers must correct issues revealed in citations or face the possiblity of closure.

"The sole reason I have possessed a firearm is for the protection of the children who are entrusted to us everyday," Richard Lyday said in an e-mail.

"We have been fortunate to have maintained an excellent and stable clientele," he said. "Having said that, it is conceivable, although unlikely, that an individual could present himself who could pose a risk for the children. Before possessing a gun on the premises, I satisfied myself that I am within my rights to carry a gun on school property . . ."

Lyday has a valid permit for the gun, said Lori DeWeese, licensing consultant for FSSA.

Joyce McComiskey, business manager at Peter Rabbit Nursery School in Carmel, said firearms are not allowed at state-licensed preschools. She said most reputable facilities provide adequate security without staff members carrying weapons.

"It's dangerous and against state code," she said."

Wowsers, Joyce. Now may we see your credentials? You know, the ones making you an expert on firearm safety?

It's okay. Take your time, I'll wait. And pray tell, what code is this that would forbid both the exercise of the 2nd Amendment as well as the protection of children?

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