Friday, March 16, 2007

From Malkin's "Blog"

"A rant by Cindy Sheehan, posted by defeatist David Swanson on his website advocating the impeachment of President Bush:

More Reich-Wing Horse Pucky

The Gathering of Eagles is supposedly a veterans’ ad hoc group who are allowing themselves to be despicably stage-managed by Rove and Move America Forward using fascist tactics to lie about an anti-war group, just like BushCo lied our country into two abominable wars that have cost hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars. The actions around this are very similar to the Swift Boaters---who I believe are also involved in this current Reich-wing, Squawking-Head brouhaha.

The Rove backed tools of hatred and misguided propaganda are saying that in the March 17th march on the Pentagon that I am participating in which is sponsored by A.N.S.W.E.R. is planning on desecrating the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, by spitting on it, or throwing paint on it. What a monumental load of Reich-wing horse pucky!


Get a clue, buy a vowel, Eagles. You are being played like a banjo by Karl Rove and Move America Forward. You are becoming all irate for absolutely no reason. We are not even going into the memorial. Even if we did we would not desecrate it. How many of your VA benefits to the crooks in the White House have to cut before you finally wake up? They don’t care about you! Don’t let them shovel any more Reich-wing horse pucky down your throats. Refuse to be used. Don’t be minions of, or in league with devils.

A few days later, David Swanson posted the following on his own website:

Let's not hide our faces. Let's not allow them to dictate our clothing or our actions to us. And, by the same token, let's not back off from the plan to visit the Vietnam Memorial. This can be a free country with the right to freely assemble, if we insist on making it so. And it is our right to visit that memorial, whatever we may think of it. We should visit it with respect for the names it bears and their families and friends, and with dedication to avoid the need for additional walls of that size. And we should keep in our thoughts the further unbearable grief of a wall that could be imagined to include the names of the Vietnamese dead, a wall that might stretch the length of the walk to the Pentagon."

The Gathering of Eagles is a grassroots assemblage of veterans who will ASSURE that no harm will come to the Vietnam Memorial. No one stage-manages a Marine, fella.

And speaking for Fits, "were these traitorous assholes to even think of adding a Vietnamese dead section, that would be a different story. The only thing we care about our dead enemy is how good it feels to know that many of these creatures never got to spawn."

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