Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Gator Sightings

The locals tell me that come the warmer weather, wrinkly reptiles are far more apt to cross civilizations path as they arise from their watery demesne to bask in the Florida sun. I was taken aback, and said as much since I was unaware that Hillary Rodham was visiting town.

But Jive Rapping Mistress Rod aside, it's that time of year to think of carrying a spare magazine containing ammunition other than hollow points, and I'm torn between a 200 grain controlled expansion round cranking along at 1000 fps from a Glock 23, or a plain jane FMJ. Recent events have led me to believe that such a modified HP is effective, but as always the search is on for more than mere efficiency. Not that I'd ever break the law and shoot an alligator then ask a friend to wait for it to float to the top then skin it and make me a belt, mind you.

To be continued...

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