Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Gen. Pace Calls Homosexuality Immoral

WASHINGTON (AP) -- "The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday he considers homosexuality to be immoral and the military should not condone it by allowing gay personnel to serve openly, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Marine Gen. Peter Pace likened homosexuality to adultery, which he said was also immoral, the newspaper reported on its Web site.

"I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way," Pace told the newspaper in a wide-ranging interview..."

A decade ago, people would be shaking their heads and saying, "Well, hmm..."

Two decades ago, people would have been saying, "Tell me something new..."

Three decades ago, people would have been saying, "Now let's not use such words in polite company..."

Most anything can become commonplace when people of good will refuse to stand up and be counted. Do homosexuals intentionally deviate from the accepted principals of right and wrong? Sure they do. That makes them technically immoral, but it goes much deeper than that. To a homosexual man, other men are desirable, and but of course one must sate one's cravings regardless of the depravity associated with it. Since homosexuals have been welcomed with open arms, look at all of the other immoral acts that have been worming their way out of the woodwork. Polygamy, pedophilia, bestiality, all striving to achieve society's acceptance by switching from disgusting to alternate lifestyle.

Fact of the matter is, I wouldn't care all that much were these deviates to practice their disgusting habits behind closed doors and with other consenting adults, but when they beg us to accept them as just another tint in the kaleidoscope of humanity that's when I draw the line.

No matter what "they" say, we, you see, are ALLOWED to be nauseated by acts of perversion. Or at least the ones among us with enough balls to say so. General Pace was asked his opinion and gave it.

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