Thursday, March 15, 2007

Here's Something You Don't See Every Day...

Man Convicted of Killing Cellmate Shown on Video Taunting Guards With Entrails

DENVER — "An inmate was convicted Thursday of murdering his cellmate by a jury that viewed gruesome videotape of the killer holding up his victim's entrails as he taunted guards from his bloody cell.

The same federal jury will decide whether William Sablan should be executed in the trial's penalty phase, which is to begin Monday.

Prosecutors say Sablan, 42, and his 37-year-old cousin, Rudy Sablan, killed Joey Jesus Estrella in 1999, after a night of drinking and fighting in the cell they shared at the federal penitentiary in Florence. Rudy Sablan's trial date has not been set.

Prosecutors said Rudy Sablan strangled Estrella with a headphone cord and that William Sablan used a prison-issue disposable razor to slash Estrella's neck. An autopsy showed Estrella, 33, bled to death and that some of his organs were removed after he died.

Early in the trial, prosecutors showed jurors a videotape shot by prison guards in which William Sablan is seen holding up Estrella's internal organs and making obscene gestures..."

It's going to be really really hard for the bleeding heart liberal parole boards in Colorado. They know that he WAS a disadvantaged youth, and that society as a WHOLE is really to blame, and that a merciful justice system SHOULD release this man before his punishment becomes cruel and unusual.

But the availability of such razor blades is quite disturbing. Anyone can up and purchase as many as they want, but why would any law abiding citizen really need a disposable razor when there are plenty of electric razors to be found?

Haven't ENOUGH people died from disposable razor abuse? Isn't it past time to put an end to such deadly instruments?

Simply looking at the packaging that features crossed swords should be enough of a hint to initiate an immediate ban.

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