Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Julie Annie Schmoozes The Left Coast

Monterey Park , Los Angeles County -- "Republican presidential hopeful Rudolph Giuliani is making an aggressive play for conservative backers in California -- courting their endorsements and collecting their campaign checks in a strategy that political observers say could have a big payoff in the nation's most populous state.

And with strong support from Floyd Kvamme -- one of President Bush's top high-tech advisers and a founder of the Technology Network advocacy group -- Giuliani will return to Silicon Valley today to star at a fundraising breakfast aimed at introducing him to influential conservatives in the business and high-tech community.

Giuliani appeared Monday with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger at a law enforcement conference addressing gang violence. Giuliani fended off questions about recent reports that his relationship with his son has become strained, saying such family issues are best worked out in private.

The mayor also plans a glitzy Hollywood fundraiser this week that could raise as much as $700,000 from entertainers such as comedians Adam Sandler and Dennis Miller, and actors Tom Selleck, Cheryl Ladd and John O'Hurley, the "Dancing with the Stars" star who also played J. Peterman on "Seinfeld."

But the endorsement from Kvamme -- a respected Silicon Valley insider and top conservative voice who has been a leading fundraiser for mainstream GOP causes -- underscores how Giuliani, though considered pro-gay rights, pro-choice and pro-gun control, has persuaded a number of leading conservatives in California to back his cause.

"He's working California; he thinks he can win here," said Kvamme. "And I believe he can take California; he's not just passing it off."

Kvamme said that Giuliani, as the executive leading the nation's largest city, showed a style that was built on "real, reasonable" conservative principles.

Like dissing the Constitution? Lets see now, who do I despise more, this idjit Kvamme, or Julie Annie.

Julie. Hands down. If voting for a liberal as President is no big thing, then hell, let's give Rodham a shot. Although it IS beginning to look like Hussein is giving her a run for her money, but here's another dark horse to consider...

Cheney will step down due to health issues. George then calls Condi in as VP. In one swell foop, there's a woman with some form of "President" in her resume, and black to boot.

The more I hear about Julie the more it's definitely a no-go unless he shows some shred of decency and removes the R after his name, and will campaign rigorously for whatever 3rd party candidate arises to Perot his backstabbing ass back to ground zero.

And as I've said time and again, please now with the "Constructionist" judges he'd appoint. Either he believes in America or doesn't, and it's a done deal that he'd select jurists with opinions favoring his own. To offer that it's good enough for the Supreme Court but NOT good enough for him, is ludicrous.

Thanks to Ride Fast & Shoot Straight

"The underlying argument behind strict constructionism is that if a legislature truly wants to enact a particular law, they are capable of writing it down in plain English and passing it, and it is not the job of the judiciary to reconstruct what the legislature's intent could have been. Supporters interpret this position as judging based on what the law is, not what it should be.

Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black wrote in Reid v. Covert, 354 U.S. 1, 5 -6 (1957), "[t]he United States is entirely a creature of the Constitution. Its power and authority have no other source."

From Wikipedia

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