Thursday, March 08, 2007

Newspapers Pull Ann Coulter's Column Over John Edwards 'Faggot' Comment

WASHINGTON — "At least three newspapers have pulled conservative commentator Ann Coulter's syndicated column from their editorial pages after her comments last week calling Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards a "faggot."

Newspapers in Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Michigan pulled the column after criticism from readers. In addition, reports say at least three companies, Verizon, Sallie Mae and NetBank, have dropped their advertising from Coulter's Web site after a liberal blogger launched a campaign to petition the firms to stop their support.

The Mountain Press in Sevier County, Tenn., pulled Coulter's column this week and called her comments at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week "distasteful and irresponsible," according to its note to readers on its Web site.

"When we agree to buy a syndicated column we expect the writer to offer responsible, reasoned opinion on national and international issues," said Stan Voit, editor of the Mountain Press. "We will not continue to publish the columns of someone who uses people as a punch line to get a cheap laugh and who so freely uses an offensive term to describe another human being."

So then. Some faggot was upset because she called another faggot a faggot and took his fairy toys and went home.

Cool. I'm sure the world will continue to spin if a Tennessean tosses a girl-like hissy fit. Being a Conservative isn't a job for the weak, and we expect the gracile ones to fall by the wayside.

Now go pass the Grey Poupon and give me 20.

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Speak yer peace, fella's