Thursday, March 08, 2007

NRA Revives Gun Bill To Allow Florida Workers To Keep Guns In Their Cars At Work

Tallahassee, FL (AHN) - "After winning a victory last year to exempt handgun permit owners information from disclosure according to Florida's public records law, the National Rifle Association introduced a bill one day before the opening of the Legislative session.

The new bill, which failed to pass last year, would make it illegal for businesses to prevent their employees from keeping guns locked in their cars parked at work.

A similar bill by the NRA divided the Legislature in 2006.

Called the Individual Personal Private Property Protection Act of 2007, it would prevent an employer from stopping workers or customers from storing any lawfully possessed guns when on their property.

Many employers will fire an employee who brings a gun to work, including if it is properly locked and stored in their vehicles.

NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer told an Orlando Sentinel reporter that the bill is not different from last years.

"The intent is the same . . . to protect the rights of law-abiding people to have firearms stored in their private vehicles in parking lots," Hammer said to the Orlando Sentinel."


If it's going to happen, it usually happens first in Florida, and that's what scares the moonbats to tears. Precedent. No blood running in the streets. And, worst of all...


Can't weasel more Homeland Security monies from the Feds if violent crime (REAL violent crime) is on the ebb, and if villains thieves and scoundrels cannot rob from the middle class then sweet christ on a crutch, they just might go after the rich and famous.

Guns prevent crime. Guns are the favored crime prevention tool of the lower and middle class. Scare away the minority criminals and they just might go somewheres else to vote.

This all means its an uphill battle, but we'll see. And as far as the usual clarion cry that a business should be able to determine who and what frequents the premises, tell that to the blacks that were denied their civil rights for decades using the same argument.

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