Friday, March 30, 2007

Resident faces murder charges after house break-in

No, thankfully NOT here in the states. Not as if the democrats don't wish that they could better protect their constituency, but the new media coupled with reinvigorated patriotic Americans have been winning far more often than not.

Here. In the land of the free and the home of the brave. And it isn't corny, guys and gals. Corny is Hillary RodHam donning black-voice and preaching to minority members in Alabama. WE the people don't fight and die to protect corny old broads who wish to be Queen.

Read the following, and there, but for the grace of God and the blood of heroes, go we...

"A Cape Town resident will face a murder charge after shooting a robber in his home yesterday, in apparent self defence.

Police spokesperson Elliot Sinyangana says that the incident took place at 3am yesterday morning at the owner’s house in Buxton Avenue, Oranjezicht.

The owner heard noises and was woken up. It is believed that the burglar gained entry through an upstairs bathroom window.

The 55-year-old man told the Cape Argus that he heard scratching at the side of his house and shortly afterwards saw the suspect through his bedroom keyhole, walking up the stairs.

The resident apparently took his firearm from his dresser confronted the man and told him to go downstairs. He then made the intruder sit down.

While contacting the police the unarmed suspect allegedly attacked the man and this is when the owner shot the suspect in the chest."

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