Thursday, March 22, 2007

Some GOOD News From Ohio?

"Cam Edwards, host of Cam & Company at has followed up on a story published last week which revealed that Cleveland's police union is not pleased with Mayor Frank Jackson's order to ignore HB347.

Cam interviewed Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader Chris Chumita on his show last Friday about the story, and in a follow-up segment yesterday, Edwards blew the story wide open during an interview with Officer Steve Loomis, the president of the Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Association.

Officer Loomis told me that the mayor has instructed the police to continue to enforce the local ordinances that have been pre-empted, but Officer Loomis also told me that he has told the police to not follow the mayor’s order, because he believes the mayor is telling the officers to act illegally."

Fair, after all, is fair. Whenever law enforcement stands up to be counted as being law abiding Americans, they are to be congratulated, and here's hoping they stick to their guns. And leave ours alone.

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Speak yer peace, fella's