Thursday, March 08, 2007

Stop The Presses: Police Chief Discourages Guns And Recommends....Mace

"Quincy Police Chief Robert Crowley is right about one thing: It’s safer to carry Mace or other types of non-lethal self-defense spray than it is to carry a gun.

Crowley has a reputation for being tough when it comes to gun permit applications. He’s far more likely to encourage Mace or pepper spray for self-defense and crime prevention.

Other South Shore law enforcement officials agree. Despite the training required for a gun permit, many people are still not ready for the moment they have to draw a gun in self-defense. A police chief has discretion in issuing gun permits, but anyone with a clean record is entitled to a Mace permit..."

Safer for whom? The bad guy? Certainly not someone faced with an armed assailant. I do suppose that Chief Crowley's handpicked ONLY ONES are the few the proud, and the safest gun carriers of all time.

Seriously though, can you imagine the gall of this cretin. And lets not even get into what the commie, strike that, journalist, who wrote the article thinks of living in the land of the free and the home of

PS: A permit for Mace?

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