Monday, March 12, 2007

Then One Day....

It'd been a bad week. We were running around putting out so many fires it was taking its toll, and not a one of us could remember the last time we had a hot meal or anything close to even 4 or 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Hey, war sucks. Thats why they call it war and not the monkey bars. But we knew that things were quieting down when the REMF's (Rear Echelon Mother Fuckers) began catching up with us. Especially officer-country REMF's, and that's who hopped out of the back of a brand spanking new Hum.

Shit. Brass at 2 O'Clock, John.

Johnny Wild was a down and dirty grunt that got his gear into the elephant grass whenever he could. He wasn't wearing any insignia or indication of rank , hell, anyone who did soon found out why enemy snipers were earning a damn good living. We were muddy, too. And beat up and bloody and half starved when this One-Star came a courtin'.

Fine, fine job you've boys have done. Makes me proud, makes all of us proud. No, don't get up, I can see you've been holding the shitty end of the stick for too long and you deserve your rest. But I didn't come here just to kiss your ass in broad daylight then head on down the road. No, I want both of you to know how grateful we are and whether you like it or not, I'm making the both of you Sergeants as of this very moment. My staff will be along shortly, so hang around until then and they'll handle the paperwork.

Once again, good job, and I'm proud of you. Semper Fi.

We watched the General shoo away the hangers-on as he headed back to his vehicle. Waited until he drove away, then I had to ask Johnny his opinion on all of this.

Fucker dropped me a couple pay grades but it's really gotta suck for you, Captain.

Nah, he answered. I can use the rest and there's lots less paperwork this way. Think we should wait for his catchup REMF's, Top?

Fuck 'em. Let's go get cleaned up then drunk and laid.

In that order?

Depends on how lucky we get.

Your wise beyond your years. For an old bastard, I mean.

Fuck you very much, sir.

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Speak yer peace, fella's