Friday, March 09, 2007

A Victory So Huge It Warrants A Block Party...

WASHINGTON — "A federal appeals court on Friday overturned the District of Columbia's longstanding handgun ban, issuing a decision that will allow the city's citizens to have working firearms in their homes.

In the ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia rejected city officials' arguments that the Second Amendment right to bear arms only applied to state militias.

District of Columbia Mayor Adrian Fenty told reporters Friday afternoon that the District will appeal the ruling.

In a 2-1 decision, the judges held that the activities protected by the Second Amendment "are not limited to militia service, nor is an individual's enjoyment of the right contingent upon his or her continued intermittent enrollment in the militia."

"This is a huge case," Alan Gura, the plaintiffs' lead lawyer, told Friday afternoon. "It's simply about whether law-abiding citizens can maintain a functioning firearm, including a handgun, inside their house."

Gura said his six clients, all Washington residents, challenged three separate District of Columbia laws: A 31-year-old law that prevents handgun registration; a law that requires rifles and shotguns to be either disassembled or disabled when being stored; and a law that requires a permit to carry a gun in your own home..."

Begging your commie ass pardon, Mayor Fenty, but to whom are you going to appeal this case to?

The Supremes? They might not hear it. They might write opinions, but shy away from taking it on as a full blown case. Or...

They might end this silly... militia meaning the 3rd Marine Division, and other such nonsense.

For now we'll take the win and be proud of it. The Founding Fathers stopped turning over in their collective graves for just a moment. Then someone said the name NANCY PELOSI, and the spin began anew.

Pictured: D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty catching a view of his image in a nearby mirror and falling speechless upon learning he's just another dumb-looking black flack for the socialist party

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