Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wayne Fincher Update...Via The War On Guns

It's fitting that an update on Wayne should be our 5500th post. One milestone heralding a possible other is how I'd like to think of it as we hope and pray that Wayne's upcoming sentencing hearing will be something to cheer about.

From Wayne Fincher's daughter:

Dad saw the Probation Officer today. Don't know the results yet. The probation officer said that dad would be getting some time. She doesn't know how much as of yet. The lawyer is wanting everyone that wants to, to write letters about dad about his character. All the good things about dad. Please send them to the lawyer so she can review them and present them to the judge during the sentencing. Her address is Shannon L. Blatt 19 Court Street PO BOX 1825 Fort Smith, Ark 72902-1825 If you have already sent please send another one so the lawyer can present it to the judge. Only nice ones please. We thank you for all the help that everyone has done, all the radio programs, phone calls, letters, money,all the internet sites and all the prayers.etc. Everyone keep praying that somehow the judge will give him a light sentence or time served or no time at all. Thanks for everything. Please pass this message on to everyone you know or that knows dad. His sentencing will be 6 to 8 weeks.

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Speak yer peace, fella's