Tuesday, March 20, 2007

We Get Letters

Dear Friend,

I am running for President because when I look to the future, I see a country where Americans are confident our nation is in control of its destiny.

I believe in solving problems through strength, not weakness – from optimism, not pessimism. I am passionate about seizing our opportunity and sharing a vision of how America can be better.

I'm emailing you because you are someone who makes up your mind early. You are influential in your community, and it would mean so much to have you join my team as one of its founding members.

Pictured here is your First Edition Team Rudy Member Card. I'd be honored if you'd activate it and help me run a strong campaign with your gift.

Click here to personalize your card and we will mail it to you
right away

We stand at one of the most crucial points in the history of
our nation.

Like you, I believe we must look toward the future and reassert our core values of individual freedom, fiscal responsibility, respect for the rule of law, and a commitment to staying on offense against terrorists at home and around the world.

For the Republican Party to win the presidency in 2008 and take back the majority in Congress, we must wholeheartedly embrace our core principles.

From the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, to Ronald Reagan and to George W. Bush, our Party's greatest contribution is to expand freedom in our own land and around the world.

If you agree having strong beliefs and the courage to stick with them through popular and unpopular times is an essential characteristic in our next president, will you please click here to join my Team?

When I say we should reduce taxes to stimulate the economy, I say it because I did it and saw it work.

As Mayor, I stood up to the politics-as-usual agenda, held fast to my principles of reform, and proved that:

  • Tax relief creates jobs and helps families.
  • Respect for the rule of law matters.
  • Giving people more control over their own lives brings the dignity of self-sufficiency.

I've seen the everyday courage and character of Americans across our country. I've seen people build something from nothing, and stand up to corruption and fear. I've witnessed resilience and strength. I have good reason to believe in the American Dream and the remarkable things we can achieve together.

We will see an end to global terrorism and renew America's optimism about the future. I can see it. I believe it.

Please let me know right away if you will activate your member card and agree to join the Team Rudy Committee. I need your help to win.


P.S. Friend, if you agree our nation's next president must be a proven leader and reformer, I hope you will join my team today. Click here to receive your First Edition Team Rudy member card.

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Speak yer peace, fella's