Sunday, March 25, 2007

While The Liberal Media Tries To Downplay The News...Iranians Continue To Hold Brits...

"The U.S. has stayed out of the escalating conflict so far, but Cmdr. Kevin Aandahl of the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet in Bahrain said it was "very clear" the Brits were in Iraqi, not Iranian, waters.

Fears mounted last night that what seemed at first to be a small incident could escalate into a dangerous confrontation.

Afshar warned the U.S. against launching an attack.

"The United States and its allies know that if they make any mistake in their calculations ... they will not be able to control the dimensions and limit the duration of a war," Afshar said."

Small incident? When ONE of ours is taken we are all taken. Oh, but golly, it was only 15 people so why should this be a big deal.

Go in. Now. Waste the bastards and free those sailors and Marines. By invading Iraqi waters, Iran is the aggressor and it should be countdown to showtime.

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