Saturday, March 24, 2007

You Might Be A Redneck If...

Your 7 year-old weighs 250 pounds and you don't know why...

TRYON, N.C. — "A North Carolina mom has two months to get her 250-pound son's weight down before Polk County social workers decide whether to remove him from her home.

Justin Painter is only 7 years old but already weighs more than many adults.

Joyce Painter said she's taken her son to different doctors over the past four years, but no one has been able to pinpoint the cause of his obesity. She also says she keeps her son active. Painter said she began noticing her son putting on a lot of weight when he was 3 years old..."

Ma'am? A moment of your time if you would. In a nutshell, eating a lot of food causes people to gain weight should the intake of calories exceed the burning of them. You can look it up, but I'm sure that doctors have already informed you of this staggering fact.


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Speak yer peace, fella's