Friday, April 06, 2007

Albany Gun Registry Proposed...

ALBANY -- If you buy a gun in Albany, Mayor Jerry Jennings wants the police chief to know within 24 hours.

A gun-control law he proposed Wednesday drew immediate fire from critics who said the legislation would only affect law-abiding gun owners without reducing crime. It quickly became a hot topic on a live Web cast on the National Rifle Association's Web site.

"I can walk into a show and buy as many guns as I like," Jennings said. "It's really a built-in accountability system. We can work more effectively to reduce gun violence in the city."

Before putting the bill together, Jennings said, his administration examined similar laws in New York City, Chicago and other cities..."

And of course there is no crime in NY, Chicago, and other cities...

"Under the law, everyone who sells weapons would need a dealer license approved by the police chief. All handguns would require safety devices to make them childproof. Pellet guns would need to have orange plugs, making them easily distinguishable from handguns. Sale of common kinds of ammunition would be prohibited.

Paint pellet guns could be used at licensed amusement centers but not sold in the city.

Violating the law would be a misdemeanor carrying a fine of between $100 and $500 for each offense.

Alderman James Scalzo, who introduced the law, said it is needed to help track gun crime.

"The intent of the legislation is to give the police chief knowledge of who possesses a handgun in the city of Albany," he said. "Honest, law-abiding people should be able to have handguns but they should be registered with the chief of police."

The proposed ordinance heads to the council's Law Committee, where Scalzo said it will get an open, public review. "We will tweak it to make everyone happy," he said."

Not a chance in the world, Alderman Scalzo. Law-abiding FREE citizens will fight this every step of the way, and not everyone can be made to be happy just because you say so.

"Alderman Corey Ellis said the law made no sense to him and was not accompanied by any facts about gun use in the city.

"The mayor puts out this legislation with no facts and no figures on how this is going to affect illegal guns," he said. 'It doesn't even scratch the surface of the issue.'"

Ah, Alderman Ellis, but it does tell the Gestapo, strike that, police department, where they can go to find guns should a Katrina-like tragedy ever occur. Then cops can steal as many cool weapons as they want, and leave the citizenry defenseless, making them all the more beholding to their Fuhrer.

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