Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ammo Rumors

A Speer rep had the following to say;

Once Federal gets its act together regarding sufficient LE supplies for their hot selling HST rounds, they're toying with the idea of making a sabot version in 12 gauge. Preliminary tests have returned massive expansion for the 12 gauge 438 grain slug that is being velocity-tweaked to mushroom to well over an inch. If the beancounters give it the go-ahead, Federal will be touting the slug as the latest/greatest in LE/self defense shotgun ammo, and for what its worth "field" results from agencies using the HST handgun cartridges in virtually all of the major calibers have been wickedly impressive.

Not that I own a shotgun, but if I did I'd certainly like to try out such a slug and hopefully before the gators go back to semi-hibernating.

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Speak yer peace, fella's