Saturday, April 14, 2007

And A Hearty WELCOME To All The Rest Of You Illegal- Market Types

From Ride Fast & Shoot Straight: Rudi Giuliani in June 23, 2000 on gun manufacturers:

"They've acted negligently by overproducing guns, way beyond the number that's necessary for hunting and for law enforcement, maybe by factors of 3 and 4 to 1. In doing that, they have knowingly made a calculation that they're selling to an illegal market, and that's negligence....In fact, it would be more in their business interest to produce less guns, because the price of guns would go up if there were less guns, just like we were talking about with OPEC, you know, Economics 101. Instead of producing less guns, they produce 6, 7 times more guns than the legal market actually would demand. Therefore they have to know that they're supplying an illegal market."

Holy shit. NOW he tells me that I'm technically an illegal market because I own more than one (1) gun.

Damn. This has me worried, for as an owner of more than one (1) automobile, I may very well be a car-thief as well.

Since I cannot believe ANYONE to be THAT stupid, I must conclude that Julie Annie is simply a loon of the highest order, but we already knew that now didn't we?

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