Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blogs Need Content Warnings...

"Readers should be warned when they are reading blogs that may contain "crude language", a draft blogging code of conduct has suggested.

The code was drawn up by web pioneer Tim O'Reilly following published threats and perceived harassment to US developer Kathy Sierra on blogs.

The code begins: "We celebrate the blogosphere because it embraces frank and open conversation."

The draft says people should not be allowed to leave anonymous comments.

Blogs which are open and uncensored should post an "anything goes" logo to the site to warn readers, the code suggests.

Readers of these blogs would be warned: "We are not responsible for the comments of any poster, and when discussions get heated, crude language, insults and other "off colour" comments may be encountered. Participate in this site at your own risk...

Prominent blogger Kathy Sierra called on the blogosphere to combat the culture of abuse online after a series of death threats forced her to cancel a public appearance and suspend her blog.

Ms Sierra described on her blog how she had been subject to a campaign of threats, including a post that featured a picture of her next to a noose."

Hold on a sec while I Google Kathy Sierra...

Okay, back. Seems that Mizz Sierra is a tech dweeb who fanned the fires of geekdom, but her calling for RULES AND REGULATIONS smacks of loon-acy, so until I learn more lets call old Kath just another moonbat who ran from alla that kitchen heat. Nobody gets more threats than Malkin and you don't see her calling for help. Blogging, as many have come to discover, may not be for scardy-cats.

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