Monday, April 02, 2007

Bloomberg Loves Illegals Nearly As Much As He Hates Guns

"MAYOR Bloomberg has come out swinging against a fellow mayor trying to impose one of the most restrictive bans against illegal aliens in the nation.

At a civic meeting in Brooklyn last week, Bloomberg verbally attacked Louis Barletta, the mayor of Hazleton, Pa., who enacted a law barring undocumented immigrants from holding jobs or renting apartments.

The law gained nationwide attention, leading to a challenge from civil-rights groups. A federal judge is currently weighing whether it's constitutional.

Responding to a question from the audience in Sunset Park, which has seen an influx of immigrants in recent years, Bloomberg vigorously defended immigrants as hardworking.

He then recalled his brief encounter with Barletta last summer.

"I testified before Congress and New York's a city of 8.3 million people. The guy who testified after me came from Hazleton, Pa., which is 30,000 people, and according to him, there has never been a crime committed in Hazleton, Pa., that wasn't committed by an undocumented," said Bloomberg.

Contacted by The Post, Barletta said Bloomberg wasn't quoting him correctly.

"I didn't say that," Barletta said. "He's a little mixed up with my testimony. I was certainly taken aback by his. I testified our city was being destroyed because of it [illegal immigration]. I never said they commit all the crimes. He didn't listen very closely."

Barletta said illegal aliens account for 30 percent of the drug arrests in his small city..."

Illegal immigrants are sheltered by VOTERS. In a cesspool the size of NYC, this can be a make or break proposition, as the legal immigrants who aid and abet the illegals weep so loudly that the socialists prostrate themselves at their feet and give in to the invaders. We've all heard the pros and cons ad infinitum, but the bottom line remains the same. Illegals commit a much greater share of crime than mere numbers would account for, and are an unnecessary burden to...other minority crooks otherwise healthy nation. Ever wonder how a man with over 13 billion dollars lives in a city that can't feed its homeless?

The homeless don't vote.

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