Friday, April 06, 2007

“Constitution Worship” is Preventing Us from Seeing the Gun Issue Clearly

From Those Hilarious Knuckleheads Calling Themselves "The Gun Guys"

"...The fact is that we have too much gun violence in America today. Firearms are making violence possible every day in almost every city. We need to do something about it.

If the Second Amendment speaks of a collective right, then it should be clear that our world has outgrown the kinds of institutions that made up the “well-regulated militias” the Amendent (sic) speaks of. If it’s talking about an individual right, then we really do have a problem with it– no law should condone the kind of violence happening in America today, and widespread firearms ownership is making that violence directly possible.

Either way, it’s time for the Second Amendment to be seriously reconsidered. We cannot allow the NRA and their ilk to use our own laws against us any longer."

Damn straight. And hows about some of them there other rickety old "rights"? What the hell IS up with "free speech"? Do we really need to listen to each and every inane utterance from the unwashed masses?And voting? ANYONE, no matter how stupid and ignorant can vote? Voting should be a privilege granted only to those who've proven that they are of the correct political persuasion and not used willy-nilly by just anyone seeking to have their voice heard.

Yes, this slavish devotion to laws and inalienable rights is in desperate need of an overhaul. The world has changed dramatically since the founding fathers sought to make all men free and equal under the law, and in this modern era it should be left to the government to protect and clothe and feed us because mankind has long since risen above the silly need to go it alone. Guns create violence and since guns are made of plastic and rubber and metal we should be particularly careful to whom the tools of shaping plastic and rubber and metal are allowed. Next thing you know, people will be capable of making their own guns and drastic measure need be taken here and now to prevent anyone from shaping a deadly weapon, and this should extend to such old stand-bys as sporting bats of wood and steel that can and do inflict countless injuries and for no other reason than to play and ever-so-deadly "game".

Violence should never be tolerated in any way, shape, or form, unless it is initiated by the police in order to maintain a more perfect union. Case closed.

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