Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dennis Peasant Back To Kicking PJM Butt But Good

Back when Dennis The Peasant was doing his dissertations on Pajama's Media, his schtick was some of the funniest stuff going.

Then he took a swerve to the left and began telling us how most moslems are simply really nice guys looking to score some good camel pie if we'd all just leave them alone, and the VAST RIGHTWING CONSPIRACY kicked his ass but good.

Well Dennis is back to kicking PJM ass, and his stuff has never been better. Problem is, he's got to kiss the ass of bad writers that spend 24/7 pushing bad books just because they agreed with him about PJM, and didn't get all bonkers when Dennis began his man crush with the likes of moslem terrorists.

I'd include a link to Dennis, but then you'd have to scroll down a lot because he thinks his scripted discussion with Hugh Hewitt is the least bit funny and posts it, and I'd never want anyone to read such bad shit. These guys who believe themselves to be comedy writers don't even understand what makes a good comedy writer, so they can be expected to think their stuff is good because other bad comedy writers agree that they should be ruling the world together since nobody else understands.

Woody Allen once said that he gave himself all of the truly funny lines in Annie Hall, and intentionally gave Dianne Keaton none, but the critics and the audiences laughed louder at HER, each and every time. He figured out why. Others had figured it out long before him, but at least he finally understood the real deal.

Until a writer comes to the same epiphany as Woody, he or she will never be successful at making anyone laugh besides their immediate family and friends, hangers-on and wannabes. At least Woody went through much of his professional life doing things the right way by mistake. Most of these "funnymen" started awful, and stayed that way.

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