Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dianified Brits Say... Wait Just A Bloody Minute...

"...Why had the helicopter protecting them flown away when Iranian military vessels were nearby? Why had the British commander not asked other vessels under his command, including U.S. ships, to intervene? Why had the 15 cooperated so readily with Iranians?

Britain's Ministry of Defense, under siege, retaliated in an ingenious way: It exempted the 15 ex-captives from the usual restriction on service personnel selling their stories to the media. Doubtless, the MoD reckoned that their tales of being subjected to psychological warfare and forced to sleep in tiny cells would play well with a British public in an emotional state.

But the Dianification of Britain had not gone quite that far..."

And all it took was a roadside bomb killing 4 British soldiers to awaken the slumbering nation back to planet earth.

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