Sunday, April 08, 2007

Fred Thompson on Gun Control

"Well, since his name is being bandied about as a possible candidate for the Republican nomination for president, I figure that, as I have with other potential candidates, I'd take a look at former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson's record on gun control.

According to On The Issues, he's not for it:"

1. He voted against background checks at gun shows (to close the loopholes) in 1999.

2. Voted yes on maintaining current law not requiring that guns be sold with trigger locks. 1998.

I can't find any reference to him having supported any gun control measures. Don't know that much else about him but we had pretty good luck with another actor back in the '80s.

Update 3/11: Fred appeared on Fox News with Chris Wallace (link here) and there was a short question/answer about his position on gun control:

WALLACE: Gun control.

THOMPSON: Well, I'm against gun control generally. You know, you check my record. You'll find I'm pretty consistent on that issue.

WALLACE: So this federal court — appeals court ruling this last week, I guess Friday, in the case of D.C. — you'd be perfectly happy to have people have handguns in their homes?

THOMPSON: Yes. Absolutely. The court basically said the Constitution means what it says, and I agree with that."
So far thats pretty much all that's out there regarding Fred's stance on the 2nd Amendment. I'd of course like to see more but so far it looks good. Why is the 2nd such a bellwether? Because it takes guts, thats why. The middle-of-the-roaders want you to believe they're all for the right to keep and bear arms, but "within reason", such as Julie Annie's adoration for every gun law there ever was. We are simple people who want simple yes or no answers when it comes to life and death. Can I protect myself and my family, or not. Will I be allowed to exercise my rights as defined by the US Constitution. All this has been done to death, and we just want to know if this is the same country the Founders built, or not.

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